The 30% Law.

What is that? 

Well the concept is simple just save 30% of your income. 30% of this i.e., 9% of original income should go to personal development. And rest i.e., 21% should go for long term investment. 

But you would say don't have money, or I am not earning enough or I don't earn at all. But then how are you living? Whatever the source of income you have may it be your pocket money if you are not earning by yourself. First, pick 30% from that and save it, and do whatever you want with the rest of your money. Even if you are still adolescent. 

For example if you get $10 as pocket money. Don't I got only $10, instead tell yourself I got only $7, Put $3 aside.

Why should you bother about saving. If your parents are providing for you? 

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