Discipline, a word almost everyone is familiar with. But did anyone know what does it really mean in one's life. What does discipline mean to you? What does it constitute and what not.
According to dictionary discipline has different meanings like- 1. A way of behaving that shows willingness to obey rules or orders, 2. A field of study or a branch of knowledge or learning, 3. Punishment given to correct or train a person, 4. To train or control someone or something usually by establishing clear rules.
But I am talking about none of them, rather for me disciple has more deeper meaning and cannotation. So lets dive into it and find what does it really mean.
For me dicipline is something like putting the right thing at the right place and wrong think at the right place as well. So now it encompasses everything in it. From waking up early, exercising daily, cleaning your room, taking healthy diet, to being good to people etc.