Be what you are?

let's be what we are supposed to be, that is a true human being. Not for the show but for the reality. We are everything, except human beings, why so? why can't we live with no borders at all? Why are we fighting over borders & territories? Why can't we be one nation? Though to follow rules & regulations is necessary, but why one wants to be powerful than all others. Why are crimes increasing day by day, as the literacy rate is increasing? 
How to take your share & let others theirs?  
As we humans are from the earth, & will return to the earth. So it is possible that we are giving back to the earth what we get from it after our death in one way or the other. I think there is enough for everyone, then why to fight for your share, let others take their share, you will get yours definitely. Don't rush too much, have patience & follow your speed.  As M Gandhi said, "There is more in life than to increase its speed".
Also, don't be too lazy that you will be left alone. Let's take an example, you just finished your college or university, you are now grown up, wanted to do a job earn something, beginning your career. 6 months passed by, yet you didn't get a job, now you are feeling stressed much worried about your career. 
Not having any idea what to do. As your friend invited you for dinner with other friends, as he gets a high paying job. As you come back home late at night, now thinking about you & your friend simultaneously. Now you are feeling more stress than before the dinner was. What to do Now?
Don't wait for the job to come to your doorsteps, instead use your brain, the most valuable thing in the world, be creative, create a job for yourself & for others. Work on yourself, your skills & so on. One more important thing don't follow traditions, create a path of your own that the people will walk on it. 

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