Education Redefined: Knowledge is the key to Success.

What's Education?
Do you ever think what really is Education, why everyone are focused on spreading education? 
Does it remains attached only to schools and colleges, or something else?
Can't we live without Education? 
If knowledge is power then why the professor's all round the world are not the richest ones. 
There are lots of definitions of Education. As Oxford dictionary defines Education- A process of teaching, training and learning, especially in schools and colleges, to improve knowledge and develop skills
But Dr Sir Mohammad Iqbal described the Education best as- Education is the purification of intellect and wisdom. 
Now the question is what is intellect? And what's wisdom? 
Intellect is the ability of the mind to think, to know what is true and what's wrong. Intellect is connected to the question of how humans can know things. Intellect includes understanding of nature, religious understanding etc, thus intellect means to understand everything fully, to question one's own existence, to question about the purpose of God in creating this world. 
By questioning a man broadens his vision, by using intelligence, thought & reason a man develops intellectual personality. Thus Education makes a person intellectually developed. 
Oxford dictionary defines wisdom as- the ability to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have. 
According to Maxwell wisdom is the capacity to realise what is of value in life for oneself and for others. 
In this way a man develops intellectual personality. 

Now we understand Education in simple language. 
Education is not limited to a particular period of time but it's a life long journey. 
"Education is a life long process from cradle to grave"
Education is the development of personality. Education is never ending process. 
Whenever someone completes his degree & lefts university we say that he has completed his Education. 
No, Education never ends. 
A person who thinks that he has completed his Education is in serious misconception, because even if he completes Ph.D in one or two subjects, there are even lots of subjects whom he is unaware of, New subjects are getting invented  everytime. 
Education is not only that kind of knowledge which we achieve in our schools and colleges. But education is all that experiences that we have inside or outside the educational institutions. 
It's not necessary that for Education we have to go to school, but for certificates and degrees it is ok, but one who has lefted school, now thinks he has no chance to get Education. 
No, in today's world it is very easy to get knowledge. 
If an intellectual person advises us in some matter, that's also education. Because that also increases out knowledge. Or if you learn something new like how to drive a car or ride a bike or how to make a recipe, that also increases your knowledge. 
Or if you sit with a good personality, & you learn something from him, that's also education. 
So Education is learning new things everyday. 
So you can't complete your Education in school or college, & if you have already lefted the school, still there are infinite possibilities for you to understand yourself and this world as well. 
& Experiences are also part of Education. 
So don't waste your previous life.
& Never forget "Education is purification of intellect and wisdom". 

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